New Year's Eve Looks - Check your numerology

The New Year is almost here and there are only a few days left until New Year's Eve.
Choosing clothes for New Year's Eve is a very important part of the checklist related to the Christmas season, as well as being one of the most popular rituals to attract professional prosperity, money, love and other desires.
At Lusijoia we believe that numerology can be a sure ally to decide your look for this New Year.
Want to know your Number?
First, write down the day and month you were born and the number of the upcoming year (in this case 2025).
So add up all these numbers. Example: if you were born on 12/20, then your date will be 12/20/2025 and the calculation to be made will be as follows: 2+0+1+2+2+0+2+5 = 14.
If the result of the sum gives a two-digit number (like 14 above), you must add these two numbers together until you end up with just one digit from 1 to 9.
In other words, for the example above, where the result was 14, we must add 1+4, resulting in 3. So, for this example, the ideal color would be Yellow.
What color is recommended for each person, according to Numerology?
Now that the calculation has been done, it's time to understand which color is ideal for you.
The focus should be on the first tone in the list below, and the second will just be a reinforcement to attract something that will also be positive for you.
1 = Red or Orange
Red represents the energy of movement and also gives courage to go after things and put them into practice, while orange represents courage and boldness, helping with decision-making.
2 = Orange or Pink
Orange represents the same energy mentioned above. Pink works on affection and communication, moving relationships forward and avoiding fights and conflicts.
3 = Yellow
This color helps you have more focus and concentration in everyday activities and also works on your creativity.
4 = Green or Brown
The color green adds balance and harmony in your life and relieves anxiety, while brown helps you achieve and achieve your goals.
5 = Blue or Violet
Blue represents calm, tranquility and harmony. The personal year with the number 5 means that you will have some changes and if you are a person who does not deal with them very well, no matter how positive they are, then turn to violet because it will give you that extra strength that you may need.
6 = Indigo blue or Pink
This shade of blue works intuition and helps to harmonize relationships, in addition to better understanding life situations, always seeking balance. Pink has the same effect mentioned in number 2 above.
7 = Violet
This color represents transformation, change and also works with intuition to find the best paths.
8 = Pink or Brown
These colors have the same meanings mentioned in numbers 2, 4 and 6.
9 = Gold
The color gold works on inner wisdom and helps you get rid of any prejudice or lack of empathy that you end up having from time to time with people. Those almost unconscious judgments we sometimes make, you know?
Furthermore, those who have this number need to practice detachment and let some people or situations go, because they no longer serve or add anything to their life.

So what?
What color will you welcome in 2025?
Above we have included some examples of looks from famous personalities for you to get inspired and rock your look, exuding confidence!
Happy New Year's Eve!